Shop the bench here.
I have cheered up my entryway with bright watercolour prints I made one day when I was painting with the girls. Simply a matter of mixing some pretty watercolour paints and stroking the paper :)
This is a before shot of my entryway back in November 2014. You'll remember from the original post here.
I haven't changed the chandelier still, but I love "crystal" so it's fine for now until I find "the" one.
Below was the after (but still a before).
The chair had to go. It was in the way, and nobody used it anyway, well maybe to throw things on. But now the girls know to put their stuff away. There are hooks for schoolbags, jackets and snow pants. There is a black glass vase for mittens, neck warmers, and hats. Everything in it's place, which is the way it needs to go in a small home.
I replaced the large Bahamas print with a series of smaller frames and mirrors. I love to switch it up. It's very colourful and I'm ready for spring.
These are the water colour prints I was explaining above.
It's much prettier now. The large frame almost felt overwhelming.
It's all about tying in the spaces together so your home feels larger than it is. The white creamy walls (BM's Simply White) is a beautiful warm white. It brightens the entire home. I have it in my living room and all our hallways. It's a perfect white. I've always completely rearranged Charlize's room (so much better) and I'm working on sprucing up my bedroom with some of the same colours :)
Have you begun spring decorating/purging/cleaning?
*** I'm doing a monthly series called "Design Q&A" where I'll answer personal design questions from my readers! It can be anything! A furniture arrangement question, a problem sourcing good lighting, helping nail your colour scheme, or even how to spruce up a particular room! So please submit your questions by email to me!