It is the first thing that greets you when walk in (well besides the cat or dog). It should have a place for keys, coats, umbrellas, boots, shoes, bags, school bags, etc, etc. We have a lot of stuff. And believe me, you can keep dreaming that the kids (and the husband) will neatly hang their coats in that closet filled with empty hangers, but chances are they won't.
So obviously it is nice to have a big closet in the entrance to put these things, but this can't be the only solution. I love all these very pretty ideas.
Minimal but beautiful. Perfect for a single lady, sigh. I'm so happy I lived by myself for a whole year. That was awesome! Only my stuff to store and clean! I'm very in love with that light green wall, and of course the gold mirror.
This entrance is awesome when you have a lot of guests. Might be a second entrance not sure though. Either way it is always nice to have a bench too if space permits.
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Via Domaine |
Love this beautiful, bright, textural entrance. Rug? Check! Huge bin to stash any and everything? Check! Place to drop mail, keys, purse? Check! Place to tuck shoes under a bench that you can sit on too? Check, check!
I am in LOVE with this one. The huge beach print, the blues, the wood, the white. The un-fussiness of it all! It seems perfectly OK to just drop everything there until you need it. The way life should be lived!
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Via Planete deco |
This takes it a step further and allows for plenty of room for guests to hang their coats and stuff. It is also a clever solution if you have no closet.
Minimalists' entryway? Those baseboards are gorgeous as is the oversized nautical mirror. Just missing a jute rug under those Hunter boots.
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Via The Everygirl |
I love this idea too. A series of large baskets. One for every daughter to place her belongings in! It would certainly make for quick finding during the somewhat hectic morning rush.
Get the Look
1>> Beach Photography Print, via this Etsy shop, $62 for a 16X20.
2>> Dronnabox, Ikea, $6.99 (Mint dose from above inspiration #1).
3>> Osted Jute Rug, Ikea, $29.99.
4>> Lillholmen Hook, Ikea, $9.99 for 2.
5>> Nornas Bench, Ikea, $149.
Which look do you love???