I'm in the market for a logo for my company The Wall Shop. I'm looking to brand and position myself so when you look at my logo or website, or
Etsy shop (soon to be re-opened) you know exactly what to expect. Something clean crisp professional and bold. First impressions are so important, especially online. How often do you visit a site and automatically like it or hit the x button. I think we know within 5 seconds whether we are staying or leaving. Ouch, oh it's brutal out there.
With these inspiration photos I'm looking at colour, contrast, typography and feeling. If you can look at that. I'm not dissecting where these lovely shops are only what attracts me to them! This is a great exercise. It can be applied to any project (designing a nursery, etc) and once you're done writing the key words, you'll notice a pattern and will be able to inject those same details to your own project.
Stone, black deep contrast, simple writing, symmetrical.
Cream, inviting, simple, elegant.
Girly, gold, symmetrical, 2 different fonts.
Modern, romantic, gray, soft.
Simple writing, incased in a clean line box. Gold.
Fanciful writing, pale blues, creams.
Pale blue/gray, gold writing (?!?) soft, feminine.
I know this last one isn't much of a storefront but I think it's my favourite. Silly isn't it? I guess I need something simple, with a modern boxy style of typography and something that represents my love of the beach. Maybe distressed drift wood background, or sand, or simply the colour blue. A lot to think about because when I create it, I don't want to have to change it. So the simpler it is the more likely I won't get sick of it.
I pre-designed one here on my
Etsy website, let me know what you think!