I love the girls sleeping quarters. It took a few weeks but bedtime is pretty stress-free now. Ava's bottom bunk is so cosy. I gave each girl their own sconce which adds the perfect amount of light for their own personal space. The 2 kids rooms do not have ceiling fixtures (a design no-no) so I just have to be inventive with the lighting sources. Ceilings lights always tend to be overbearingly bright but oh-so pretty. Anyway I didn't want to spend much for the kids' spaces. I already had a lot of decor, dressers, bedding, and pillows to decorate with so I used much of what I had. Instead of buying new matching comforters I bought 2 large white throws (Ofelia) from Ikea for 20$ each. Saved me lots of money and now it doesn't matter what's going on underneath. I used 2 matching throw pillows also from Ikea that Brook had used for her double bed.
Ava adores her little cocoon. I have so many ideas of how to make it even cosier but for the moment it's perfect. I don't like fabric overkill either. Obviously Ava 3 and 3/4 years old sleeps with a bedrail. I've removed it for the shoot;)
I love this bunk bed design. A lot of bunk beds are really high but this one is only 62" high. I had painted it Benjamin Moore cloud white the first day we got the keys to our home. The girls' rooms were priority. The bed looks far more rich painted (it's originally pine) and you can see the contrast above Ava (which I love). The space underneath serves as storage for seasonal/age appropriate clothing. And with 3 girls for hand-me-downs I need some storage!
We painted the bedroom a light teal. I originally picked this colour for our room but it would not have worked. I knew I wanted to use it somewhere. So here it is! I love it's calm and beach-y feel. I slipped Ava's old headboard that I had made here behind the bed, because, why not?!?!
I use the Ikea Lacke tables everywhere. They are so versatile and perfect for tots and young kids.
I am still trying to decide what to do on the opposite wall where the long dresser is. I'm thinking of doing a feature wall with polka-dot gold decals. I'd like it simple. I also want to print a few beach scenes of the girls to frame.
I had just enough space to squeeze in the rocker, even though it isn't used much.
I don't think there is anything cuter than 2 sisters sharing a bedroom. I wanted the room to be youthful, colourful, restful, and cheerful all at the same time. Just a little more decorating and it should be done.
I love decorating kids spaces because I feel the sky's the limit. I enjoy mixing juvenile decorations along with more grown up pieces and accessories. A kid's room should never be bland. There should always be an element of whimsy, or something that makes you look twice. It should have a lot of stuff in it because, after all, kids come with a lot of stuff!!! You just need some good storage solutions!
Their closet is adorable....